This page contains the files needed to install and run Hex version 6.0. This version (13 Jan 2010) provides parallelised docking calculations on all hardware (previously only Linux) and GPU-accelerated calculations on Nvidia graphics cards on Windows, Linux, and Intel-Mac. Binaries compiled for Nvidia GPUs have "cuda" in their name.
For Windows-XP, download and run the self-installer hex-6a-win.exe. These are 32-bit programs, but they should run on 64-bit Windows XP.
Similarly for Intel-Mac, download and open the disc image hex-6a-Intel-Mac.dmg. For PowerPC Macs, download hex-6a-PPC-Mac.dmg.
For Linux, download the installation script hex_setup.bin and select one gzipped tar file (.tgz) which most closely corresponds to your system. The Linux binaries are labelled according to the Linux version the were built on: "lnx" means 32-bit Linux. "x64" means 64-bit Linux.
Please read the README file first. The basic installation includes a Manual and some examples. A more extensive list of examples is provided in the Hex Home Page.
The Windows version has not been tested on Vista or Windows 7. The Linux and Mac CUDA versions assume that you have installed the CUDA driver and run-time libraries in standard places (e.g. /usr/local/cuda on Linux and IntelMac). CUDA is available here:
Macro Docking in all versions crashes. I am working on it.
Stereo now works with the Nvidia 3D Vision kit on Linux using the 195.36.15 Linux driver (19 March 2010). However, for 3D vision to work on many Quadro models, it is necessary to connect the IR emitter to the GPU using a mini-DIN-to-1/8-inch connector to get the synchronisation signal for the glasses. This cable was missing in my 3D Vision shipment (ordered in France), but the Nvidia support team quickly mailed me the necessary part.
Installation problems? Please notify Dave.Ritchie AT (please make your own AT sign). In the meantime, try downloading an earlier version: