This page contains the files needed to install and run Hex version 4.5. This version (August 2005) mostly contains bug-fixes and a few minor improvements over the 4.2 release (July 2003). [There are no public versions numbered 4.3 or 4.4]. Please read the README file first. For the Windows-XP version, just download and run the self-installer hex-4e-win.exe. For Mac OS X, download the disc image hex-4e-osx.dmg and then double-click the package bundle Hex4e.pkg. For Unix/Linux versions, download the installation script hex_configure.bin, take the platform-independent runtime (rt) file, and select one or more of the the executable file(s) for your system(s) (sgi, sun, lnx, ppc). For example, select hex-4b-sgi.tgz and hex-4b-rt.tgz for Silicon Graphics. Similarly, select hex-4b-sun.tgz for the SunOS version, select one of hex-4b-lnx-*.tgz for Intel Linux, or select one of hex-4b-ppc-*.tgz for PowerPC Linux. The Linux binaries are labeled according to the Linux version the were built on (FC4 means Fedora Core 4, RH9 means RedHat 9, etc.), and the type of build ("shared" or "static"). Try the "shared" (non-static) version first, as this should give hardware-accelerated graphics, if possible. Version 4.5 is the first version that provides Mac binaries. Please note that the Mac version requires Mac OSX 10.4 or later. It does not work on OSX 10.3, and it does not work on the new Intel Macs. The basic installation includes a Manual and some examples. A more extensive list of examples is provided in the Hex Home Page.
Installation problems? Please notify Dave.Ritchie AT (please make your own AT sign). In the meantime, try downloading an earlier version: