This page contains the files needed to run Hex version 4.1. This version contains only a few bug-fixes over the recent 4.0 release (July 2003). Please read the README file first. For the Windows-XP version, just download and run the self-installer hex-4a-win.exe. For Unix/Linux versions, download the installation script hex_configure.bin, and select the runtime (rt) file (tarred and gzipped, platform-independent) and the appropriate executable file(s) for your system(s) (sgi, sun or lnx). For example, select hex-4a-sgi.tgz and hex-4a-rt.tgz for Silicon Graphics. Select hex-4a-sun.tgz and hex-4a-rt.tgz for the SunOS version. Select hex-4a-lnx-?.tgz and hex-4a-rt.tgz for the Linux version. Only take one Linux executable. Try the "shared" version first. If that doesn't work, take the "static" version (no graphics hardware acceleration). The MS-Windows version is only available with Hex 4.0 onwards.
Installation problems? Please notify Dave.Ritchie AT (please make your own AT sign). In the meantime, try downloading the earlier version: